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Selectmen Minutes 09/21/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 21, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Barbara Frangione, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, John Martell, Pat Clarke, Alan Mayville, John Freeman, Ed Millette, Donna Chagnon, Thomas Houle, Karla Brown, Andrea Deachman

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads
Police:  Chief Clarke reports only 1 person has yet to take the defensive driving course.  He has a personnel issue to discuss with the Selectmen.  The Selectmen will discuss it later during a nonpublic session as required for personnel issues.

EMD: John Martel attended the Suncook River Meeting with Selectmen DeBold.  Short-term and long-term solutions were discussed.  This group will continue to meet.

Highway:  The highway department is finishing work on Bear Hill.  Two workers went to Loudon to help with a material spill.  High Efficiency lights were installed at the highway garage for improved visibility.  An exhaust fan was installed along with other safety improvements.

Jim is completing grant paperwork and will have it for the Selectmen to review next week.  Jim is getting quotes for salt and winter sand.  Jim has had several roads damaged by private equipment that was unloaded on a town road.  There was a brief discussion about what could be done to hold the person responsible.  Jim will check with other Road Agents to see what they do.

Selectmen Paveglio has been reviewing the time spent on maintaining the equipment and may request more information.

Mr. Giuda’s letter regarding Berry Road was discussed.  Jim will assess Berry Road next week and determine what the necessary maintenance will be.

Fire:  Ed Millette reported that all the trucks passed inspections.  The Fire Department is having an open house on Saturday, October 2 from 9 until 3.  The Fire Department is in the process of updating all of the Knoxboxes.

The CDL class at the Fire Department went well with many members attending.

Ed said he needed to mow the lawn and asked about the mowing schedule.  Nancy will look into the schedule and respond back.

Forestry:  Nancy received a request to burn on Town owned property.  After a brief discussion Selectmen Paveglio made a motion seconded by Selectmen Jordan to allow Donald Roberts to have a campfire in the cul-de-sac circle at the end of Wexford Drive on October 3, 2010.  Mr. Wexford will have to obtain the burn permit from the Fire Warden.

Building: The Building department is still quiet.  

Andrea Deachman
Andrea wanted to speak to the Selectmen because she is finding it difficult to deal with some conflicts the Trustees are having.  She said she often feels belittled and does not want it to continue.  At the end of a fairly lengthy discussion it was agreed that Nancy would set up a mediation session for the Trustees.  All of the Trustees were in agreement to the session.

Other Business
RFP’s:  The Selectmen have asked Nancy to obtain bids for the 2011 year to include town report printing, lawn care, assessing, and information technology.  

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a), a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into non-public session at 7:25 for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan – yea, Paveglio – yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit the non-public session at 7:39pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan- yea, Paveglio -yea.  

The minutes were sealed indefinitely.

Media:  Mr. Houle asked about recent newspaper articles involving pending lawsuits against the Town.  The Selectmen explained that they are unable to give information regarding this issue.  

Voting:  Selectmen Paveglio was informed that two Selectmen need to be present at all times at the polling place.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ______Absent__________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio